A Meconkey Timeline By Name

In the interest of piecing together the various records I have found related to the Meconkey family (with whatever spelling of the surname), I am putting together a timeline per each name. Hopefully, this might allow some conclusions to be drawn about the genealogy of the family. Locations are indicated in brackets at the end of each entry.


  • 1749, Apr. 23 - Anne McConkey, daughter of Samuel, baptised at Old Tennent Church [Monmouth Co., NJ]


  • 1771, Sept 2 - Charity McConkey died, aged 53, and was buried at Newtown Presbyterian [Bucks Co., PA] 1


  • 1745, Sept. 13 - Jacob McConkey, son of Samuel, baptised at Old Tennent Church [Monmouth Co., NJ]
  • 1775, Aug 19 - Upper Makefield Military Roster shows Jacob McConkey [Bucks Co., PA]
  • 1781 - Jacob McConkey - Guilford twp., Taxables [Cumberland Co., PA] 2


  • 1781 - James McConkey - Teboyne twp., 200 acres, Taxables [Cumberland Co., PA] 3
  • 1781 - James McConkey - Strabane twp., Effective Supply Tax, Washington County [Washington Co., PA] 4


  • 1747, July 19 - John McConkey, son of Samuel, baptised at Old Tennent Church [Monmouth Co., NJ]
  • 1766 - John McConkey - East Nottingham, 50 acres, 1 horse, 2 cattle-  Chester County Taxables [Chester Co., PA] 5
  • 1769 - John McConkey - East Nottingham, 25 acres, 1 horse, 1 cattle - Chester County Taxables [Chester Co., PA] 6
  • 1771 - John McConkey - East Nottingham, 40 acres, 1 horse, 2 cattle - Chester County Taxables [Chester Co., PA] 7
  • 1772, Aug. 16 - John McConkey son of William and Hannah, christened at Newtown Presbyterian [Bucks Co., PA]
  • 1774 - John McConkey - East Nottingham. 50 acres, 1 horse, 2 cattle - Chester County Taxables [Chester Co., PA]8
  • 1777, Jan. 15 - Council of Safety - Mr. Nesbitt was directed to pay Captain John McConkey £21 10 7, for arms & accoutrements, &c., furnished his Comp'y of the County of Bucks, to be charged to Colonel Hart. [Bucks Co., PA]
  • 1777, April 22 - John McConkey coveyed 46 acres of his tract to Benjamin Taylor [Bucks Co., PA]
  • 1781 - John McConkey - Guilford twp., Taxables, Freemen [Cumberland Co., PA]9
  • 1781 - John McConkey - New Garden twp., Taxables, Inmates [Chester Co., PA] 10
  • 1781 - John McConkey - New Garden twp.,  Taxables, Freeman [Chester Co., PA] 11
  • 1786 - John McConkey - Franklin twp, Septennial Census [Franklin Co., PA]
  • 1798 - John McConkey - Abington twp. Direct Tax. 1 Dwelling house, log, 17 x 24 [Montgomery Co., PA]
  • 1800 - John McConkey - Census of Lower Merion twp. Males: 0-10:1; 10-16:1;26-45:1; 45+:1; Females: 0-10: 3; 16-26: 1; 26-45: 1 [Montgomery Co., PA]
  • 1810 - John McConkey - Census of Point twp. Males: 10-15: 1; 26-44: 1 Females: 0-10: 4; 26-44: 1 [Northumberland Co., PA]
  • 1812, Aug. 13 - John McConkey. Int. Letter of admnistration to John Cowden and William Forsyth. [Northumberland Co., PA] 12


  • 1751, March - Mary McConkey, daughter of Samuel, baptised at Old Tennent Church [Monmouth Co., NJ]
  • 1771, May 4 - Mary McConkey married to Robert Ramsey, Newtown Presbyterian [Bucks Co., PA]


  • 1753, June 10 - Samuel McConkey, son of Samuel, baptised at Old Tennent Church [Monmouth Co., NJ]
  • 1755 or later - Pew diagram of Old Tennent Church lists Samuel McConkey [Monmouth Co., NJ]
  • 1774, Dec. 5 - Samuel Baker conveyed the site of the Ferrry and 600 acres to Samuel McConkey [Bucks Co., PA]
  • 1777, March 22 - Samuel McConkey conveyed the Ferry site and 304 acres to Benjamin Taylor of Hunterdon County, NJ [Bucks Co., PA]
  • 1777, March 22 - Samuel McConkey conveyed a tract of 25 acres to Benjamin Taylor of Hunterdon County, NJ [Bucks Co., PA]
  • 1777, April 2 - Samuel McConkey conveyed a tract of 146 acres (lying between the two tracts sold to Taylor) to his son John McConkey [Bucks Co., PA]
  • 1778, Dec. 4 - Samuel McConkey conveyed 150 acres to his son, Captain William McConkey [Bucks Co., PA]
  • 1781 - Samuel McConkey - Guilford twp., Taxables, Freemen [Cumberland Co., PA]9
  • 1793, Sept. 4 - McConkey, Samuel, late of Franklin Co., Penna. Int. Adm'r Samuel McConkey of Freehold, Monmouth Co. {Monmouth Co., NJ]


  • 1727, May 20 - William McConkey, Freehold to James Scot, Freehold, indenture [Monouth Co., NJ]
  • 1734 - Pew diagram of Old Tennent church lists William McConky [Monmouth Co., NJ]
  • 1744, March 11 - William McConkey, son of Samuel, baptised at Old Tennent Church [Monouth Co., NJ]
  • 1746, Dec. 23 - Curt (Koert) Schanck to William McConkey, indenture [Monmouth Co., NJ]
  • 1760, Oct. 9 - William McConkey, of Freehold, Monmouth Co., writes will, naming his cousin Samuel, son of Samuel McConkey; leaves bequests to children of said Samuel McConkey [Monmouth Co., NJ]
  • 1769, Jan 2 - William McConkey marriage bond Hannah Mather [NJ]
  • 1775, Aug 19 - Upper Makefield Military Roster shows William McConkey [Bucks Co., PA]
  • 1777, Jul 13 - Bristol Military Roster shows Captain William McConkey [Bucks Co., PA]
  • 1779 - Widow McConkey - Little Britain twp., 2 horses, 3 cattle, Effective Tax Supply [Lancaster Co., PA] 13
  • 1779 - William McConkey - Newtown twp., Taxables, Freemen [Bucks Co., PA] 14
  • 1780, Jan. 6 - William McConkey married to Susannah Johnson, Newtown Presbyterian Church [Bucks Co., PA]
  • 1781 - WIlliam McConkey - Amwell twp., Effective Supply Tax, Washington County [Washington Co., PA]  15
  • 1781 - William McConkey - East Nottingham twp., Taxables {Chester Co., PA] 16
  • 1781 - William McConkey - Northampton twp., Taxables [Bucks Co., PA] 17
  • 1782 - John McConkey - Guilford twp, Taxables, Freemen [Cumberland Co., PA] 18
  • 1782 - William McConkey - Northampton twp., 4 acres, 1 horse, 1 cattle; Taxables [Bucks Co., PA] 19
  • 1783 - William McConkey - Northampton twp., 9s 1s., Taxables [Bucks Co., PA] 20
  • 1784, Oct 12 - McConcky, William, of Freehold, Monmouth Co., Int. Adm'r William McConkey. Fellowbondsman - Henry Priene, both of said co. [Monmouth Co., NJ]
  • 1784 - William McConkey - Wrights Town twp., 1 dwelling house, 4 black inhabitants [Bucks Co., PA] 21
  • 1786 - William MConkey - Middletown Twp., Taxables [Bucks Co., PA] 22
  • 1787, Oct. 10 - Will of William McConkey [written 10/9/1760] proved
    • 1788, Feb 28 - Renunciation by William McConkey, stating that he took out letters of Administration and since a will has been found. [Monmouth Co., NJ]
    • 1788, March 7 - Renunciation by Samuel McConcky, stating that he is near of kin of William McConcky, deceased and by the renunciation of William McConcky, has a right to act, but refuses to do so. [Monmouth Co., NJ]
    • 1788, March 7 - Adm'r: Jonathan Rhea. Fellowbondsman - Samuel McConcky, both of said co. Witness - James Matthews [Monmouth Co., NJ]
  • 1798, Oct 8 - McConkey, William, of Gloucester twsp and co. Int. Amd'x - Mary McConkey. Fellowbondsmen - John Thorn and Thomas Tomkins, all of said Co. [Gloucester Co., NJ]
  • 1825 - Captain William McConkey - death in Montgomery Co., NY. His wife Hannah died in 1829.
  • 1. said to be the wife of Samuel
  • 2. PA Archives, III, xx, 429
  • 3. PA Archives, III, xx, 494
  • 4. PA Archives, III, xxii, 780
  • 5. PA Archives, III, xi, 153
  • 6. PA Archives, III, xi, 574
  • 7. PA Archives, III, xi, 742
  • 8. PA Archives, III, xii, 103
  • 9. a. b. PA Archives, III, xx, 431
  • 10. PA Archives, III, xii, 484
  • 11. PA Archives, III, xii, 598
  • 12. A letter written by David Meconkey in 1867 to William T. Forsyth of Northumberland mentions that William's father was a good friend of David's father
  • 13. PA ARchives, III, xvii, 653
  • 14. PA Archives, III, xiii, 15
  • 15. PA Archives, III, xxii, 704
  • 16. PA Archives, III, xii, 413
  • 17. PA Archives, III, xii, 143
  • 18. PA Archives, III, xx, 578
  • 19. Pa Archives, III, xii, 241
  • 20. PA Archives, III, xiii, 333
  • 21. PA Archives, III, xii, 479
  • 22. PA Archives, III, xiii, 626